
Facts About You


Facts About You

Your brain has the potential to remember everything you have ever experienced, read, heard and seen. The only problem is you can't recall it, but it's all in there somewhere.
Your body is constantly replacing cells, so much so in fact, you have a completely different body than you did seven years ago.
The amount of information your brain can hold is believed to be up to 1,000 Terabytes. The IBM Super Computer Watson the one Jeopardy! contestants competed against, has 16 Terabytes of RAM (Dumbass).
With the sperm in your testicles right now (guys), you could repopulate Dallas, and it would take you 6 months to repopulate the entire planet.
Everyone in your dreams you have seen while awake at some point in your life.
In your lifetime you will eat about 50 tons of food. (Fat Bastard)
To excercise your legs the same amount of excercise your eyes get, you would need to walk 50 miles every day.
In the next four years, you will shed your body weight in dead skin. (gross)
Your hair grows about 12mm a Month. (time for a haircut)
You constantly sweat. (about 2 pints a day)
Pound for pound, when you were a baby, you were stronger than an ox.
You react at speeds of 170mph.
25,000,000 cells of you died while you read this sentence. The good news is your body made 300 billion more today, so don't worry!
You were one cell for about a half an hour.

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 4/11/2012

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