Smart Move Tape
Another from the "why didn't I think of that?" file:
The clearly marked and color-coded designations (Office, Bedroom, Bedroom #2, Kitchen, Storage, etc.) makes unloading go quickly for movers, and organizing many cardboard moving boxes much easier for later on. No doubt you could accomplish something similar with a handful of colored Sharpies, but it would take a lot of consistently careful writing to even approach the same effect—at a time when you are looking to make less work, not more—and the colored tapes really help make sorting a breeze.
Smart Move Tape Two Bedroom Kit
2 bedroom rolls, 2 kitchen rolls, 1 living room roll, 1 bathroom roll
each roll is 2" x 30yd
Available from U-Haul
What They Said:
LBF says Darn It... on 2/26/2010 simple and the person(s) responsible are sitting on an island somwhere..
| Perm-a-link
| 2/26/2010