
Together We Can


Together We Can

The Governor of MA is preparing to cut $128 Million from local aid, which in turns the towns immediately start to talk about closing schools, laying off teachers police and firefighters.
How about tightening their own belts?
A normal person could look at the state budget and ask why we can't cut state issued cars and state issued cellphones, not to mention all the perks the politico's get in the state house. A normal person would take a look at all the departments, and cut the pork. A normal person would be able to make cuts that reduce costs and spending while maintaining critical workers like fire, police and teachers (written in that order on purpose!), but our elected officials can't figure that out? Their mentality is you wash my back, I'll wash yours, thinking that minions isn't going to do anything about it.
It's really time for us to stop acting like sheeple and make these elected officials actually work for us or throw them OUT!

There is plenty wrong, but nothing a little common sense (and perhaps some leadership) couldn't cure.

What They Said:

RantUser says typo on 11/15/2009
on page "http://psacake.com/web/fc.asp," Communications Cables Color Codes, first paragraph, second to last sentence:

"The plug was a phono jack type with a tip element..."

the word "phono" is incorrect. It should be "phone." A phono jack is an RCA style connector commonly used in audio applications (derived from phonograph). Phone jacks, as the name implies, originated for use with patch cords for manual telephone switchboards.

1 Comments | Perm-a-link | 2/3/2009

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