Look. I'm all for Obama. But all of these people (especially the well-to-do white ones) today who are getting all emotional and weepy and in awe of all the "history" taking place...are you people OK? Like, are you OK in the head? Obama won the election two months ago. I understood the need for tears and all that then. But getting emotional about the inauguration is like getting emotional during the ring ceremony after your favorite team wins the Super Bowl. Can we let Obama, I don't know, do something first? “Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.” Or are we going to have to praise and cry over all of Obama's firsts? First White House dump, first trip to Europe, first vacation, first ride in Air Force One, first fart on the White House couch, first time rubbing one out when Michelle and the kids are away for the day. I'm glad we're not treating Obama differently because he's, you know, Hawaiian.
0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 1/21/2009