



Saw a sign in front of the local elementary school with the following on it:
No Name Calling Week
So.. does that mean it's OK the rest of the year to call people names? What are we teaching kids these days?

Behind the Bathroom Door

Day of the week the average guy spends the most time in the bathroom: Sunday
The least? Thursday
The number of times the average guy flushes the toilet in a year: 3,250
Number of men who "forget" to put the seat down: 1 in 7
Number that get yelled at: 1 in 3
Bathroom decoration most likely to cause the average guy to curse: the fuzzy cover that causes the toilet lid to fall down midstream
Number of men who read in the bathroom: 1 in 2
Number of men who talk on the phone: 1 in 3
Number who have sex in there: 1 in 5
Object the aveage guy is most likely to drop into a public toilet: his keys
Percentage of men who was their hands before leaving the restroom: 58
Percentage of women: 75
Top 3 things the average guy would like to see added to every public restroom:
1. Completely self cleaning toilets (inside and out)
2. Floor to Ceiling partitions between urinals
3. An on-call masseuse (ed. note: Huh?!)

What They Said:

BFAM says on 1/22/2007
LBF says Now what.. on 2/2/2007
The week is over so time to start with the name calling again.

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 1/22/2007

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