Happy Birthday Otha Brutha
A day late.. but no less sincere.. Happy Birthday to my little brother's big brother who is my big brother too.
The little guy
I'll admit, I don't like to hear the stories of the Wal*Mart's/Home Depot/Lowes/Target whomevers that come to town and put the little guys out of business.
BUT...if the little guys don't have the stuff I need, then what am I supposed to do?
Yesterday I was digging post holes, and broke the handle on my shovel, so I went to the local mom and pop-ish hardware store to get a replacment handle. They didn't have any. So 5 or so miles down the road to Ace Hardware I go. A youngster in a white ACE Hardware shirt asks if he can help, so I ask.. "Do you have replacement shovel handles?" he replies "Those handles are riveted on, you can't replace those!" OK jackass... I'll go to Lowe's, and the chances are pretty good that I won't come back to your store. Have a nice day!
What They Said:
Belated Birthday Boy says Thanks on 7/31/2006
I had a similar experiance at my local hardware store...I felt like saying I am here to help YOU!
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| 7/31/2006