
Things I've learned this week


Things I've learned this week

A brief but somewhat funny week in review of the things my kids have taught me:

1 - When a tire on your car is flat, it's only flat on the bottom.

2 - When you give directions to an 8 year old on how to heat up a honey bun in the microwave, don't say "Put it in the microwave and press 1 then 10..... just put it in for 10," because that equals 10:10

3 - About 4 minutes into microwaving said honey bun, the kitchen is pretty full of smoke

4 - It's a REALLY good thing it wasn't the last honey bun, becuase there would have been big problems

5 - Skate buying criteria only consists of "these ones have blue on them"

6 - NOTHING trumps the fact they are mine

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 7/28/2006

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