
As random as it gets


As random as it gets

Seen earlier this month on the window of a car going down the highway "WHERE OUTAA HERE!! SENIORS '06" That's a direct quote... and your tax dollars hard at work.

Here's a list of American proprietary eponyms, or brand names that have fallen into general use. And eponyms is your word for the day!

I was recently ordering a Ceasar Salad, and the woman asked me if I wanted Ceasar dressing with it. HuhWha?

State Senator Jared Barrios wants to ban the fluffernutter in elementary schools. His shorts got in a bunch when it was served to his kid at lunch. Here is an idea jackass; instead of coming up with all this legislation, make your kid a healthy lunch to bring to school!

Wimp: Saddam Hussein ended a hunger strike after missing just one meal, a U.S. official said Friday.

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 6/26/2006

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