



It couldn't be the rain.. heck..we've had barely 10 inches.. this week. Lately, it seems that not a day goes by where something annoys me. The shortlist includes:
The weather
The local tv stations - let's go live to see it raining.. see.. look.. it's raining.. now over to the doppler 10 million.. look.. it's raining here to. Breaking news, it's raining, and we're live.
Customer Service.. or better the lack there of. Why am I the one saying thank you at the checkout? I love the grunt I get back too.. that's a nice touch.
TV in general, more specifically er.
Barry Bonds
My problem with CRS (that's can't remember sh1t)
what was I talking about again?


I'll admit, this isn't 100% my idea, but I'll be darned if I can find the portions of it now. As far as immigration goes.. my requirements are: 1) speak english
2) don't ask for antyhing you didn't work for
3) speak english

Beyond that.. who cares? Last time I checked, this country was built by immigrants. For the "they don't pay taxes" argument.. try this one on for size:
Eliminate the income tax(es), yes.. I said eliminate them. Raise the sales tax on EVERYTHING to like 20 or 25%. Now the drug dealers, illegal immigrants et al are paying taxes. We'd probably collect more tax dollars than with the income tax, and as a extra added bonus we can ditch the IRS.

The Freedom Tower

So they are going to build The Freedom Tower where the World Trade Center buildings used to be. But how to prevent another terrorist attack?

It's really quite simple. Move the UN. That's right.. put the United Nations on the top floors of the new building. And for some extra added insurance move all the Embassies and or Consulates into that building to.

What They Said:

March To the Sea says Yikes on 5/16/2006
BBS says Hmmm on 5/16/2006
and it is already late and over budget!Shoot maybe I should emigrate to someplace warm and dry. Breaking news IT IS STILL RAINING!!! and we are LIVE!

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 5/16/2006

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