
Too Dumb To Be A Criminal


Too Dumb To Be A Criminal

An UNMASKED Milan, Italy, bank robber held up the bank branch where he did his banking, and was thus recognized. But wait! There’s more! He fled the bank with about $8,500 but lost it all when he was mugged. But wait! There’s more! He was injured when a car hit him. If he kept trying to get away, he may have killed himself!

Ready... set.... go!

The city of Bangkok, which is notorious for traffic jams, has decided to install timers at busy intersections to let motorists know how long they have to wait for a green light. Apparently the timers were installed to help drivers calm down who may have been waiting at a red light for a long time.


"Politics gives guys so much power that they tend to behave badly around women. And I hope I never get into that."
- Bill Clinton, former U.S. president

"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears, Pop Singer

"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
- George Bush, former U.S. President

"We are not ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
- Dan Quayle, former U.S. Vice President

"We can repair anything. (Please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn't work.)"
- Sign on door of repair shop

"I'm going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes."
- Senior basketball player at the University of Pittsburgh

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 1/24/2006

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