
People Watching


People Watching

One of the drawbacks of working at home is that I miss people watching. Sure I have my share of freaks walking through my kitchen on a regular basis, but it's just not the same.

Last night I took the boys out for ice cream. Wow..
To the lady in front of us in line. Yeah.. they have a bunch of flavors, they are on the sign above you. Why do you need to ask the girl in the window if they have ____? No lie 5 times she asked about different flavors. So what does she get? Vanilla.

To the guy that I first thought had Tourettes Syndrome. Dude you look like a FREAK talking on the phone with that little thing in your ear, and the people on the other side can't see you gesticulate like you have Tourettes. And the socks pulled up to your knees was a nice touch too.

To the guy sitting on the trunk of his Hyundia. Livestrong bracelet on the same wrist of the hand that holds your cigarette?! So are you supporting the cancer makers? Or the cancer survivors? The "Keep Jobs in America - Vote Kerry" bumper sticker.. on your Hyundia? Oh.. and Captian Mixed Messages you park like a jackass too.

Finally, to the lady that lost her breath stepping up that one step to the window. You probably don't need the 3 scoops of icecream

What They Said:

Doug says Refreshing on 6/28/2005
A little ray of bitter sunshine.

1 Comments | Perm-a-link | 6/28/2005

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