So, what's a domain? A domain is a larger site on the net. "" is a domain, as is "" My domain happens to be "" In order to get a domain you need to do a little more than just name your site and hope people show up. You'll need to let the entire Internet community know you're out there. You need to get your own set IP address.
Yeah. "IP" stands for Internet Protocol. This protocol is used for moving files around this web of computers we call the Internet. In order for your site to be recognized as a drop off point for a packet of information, you need to have a set IP address.
But, I already have an IP
Actually, if you use an Internet Service Provider (ISP) you are assigned an IP each time you attach. This does not apply to AOL or Compuserve users as you are not attached to the Internet as such, but are only allowed to surf through the use of AOL's browser.
You see, you do get an IP when you attach to your ISP, but that is a floating number and only is good for the one session and is used mostly to assist in a packet download.
Confused? Let me continue by first explaining how the World Wide Web works. It will make this all much less confusing. Please note that it does get far more complicated than this, but what is below is the general idea -- and a pretty good explanation if I do say so myself. I've read it already.
You're sitting in your easy chair surfing the web. You enter the address, click the enter button, magic happens, and you start receiving files that display on your screen. Pretty cool, huh? I think so. is the URL of my domain. Now - if you have read into anything dealing with computers, you know that computers do not read text - computers read numbers. Period. If you type the letter "Z," the computer will display a "Z" to you, but will record it in its own memory as a seven digit series of ones and zeros. This is called the ASCII code. For now, just take my word that computers do everything with numbers. Text is simply displayed so you, the smart human, can understand what is going on. So you, the smart human, entered "" The thing is, the computer didn't look for It looked for a site named
How did you say that so fast? Yes! That's my set IP address. Anytime a computer on the net looks around it sees other computers as numbers. It makes the attachment via finding the correct number, not the correct text. The text has been placed there to make it a whole lot easier on you. It wouldn't be much fun if someone asked you for your home page address and you had to recite "pi.pi.pi.pi" on down the line. It's easier to just say you're at "" Although not much easier. I just can't get the correct pronunciation of "edu." (Eh-dyu?)
This is where the magic is. All this stuff you don't see that goes on behind the curtains. Somewhere between you and the site you want to find is something called a DNS server. That stands for a Domain Name Server. It has a really, really long list of domain names and the numbers that correspond. Usually, the ISP that you have your page on has its own DNS server. If not, they are attached to one close by. The DNS server reads the text you put in, changing that text into the corresponding IP number and then sends the request off and into cyberspace? If that seems like one more step than is required, it is. But isn't it worth it to be able to type in words rather than remember some long strain of numbers. I knew you would all agree. All of you except that guy in Topeka, Kansas. He doesn't agree with anything I say. Have you ever put in an address and received a message back that the server you requested didn't have a DNS entry? Well - now you know what that means. The DNS server can't find a number that lines up with the text you entered.
The InterNIC Registration Service. Yes Virginia, there is an Internet, Inc. They assign the IP numbers. The cost is $70 for two years. Not a bad price. Plus you don't have to tip. You send them the request, and if the name you want isn't taken or offensive, you get back a number. In addition - that number is made known to all the world's DNS servers. Oh, it's quite a system.
I actually didn't fill out the forms myself. The company that set up my Virtual Domain did it for me. Virtual? Easy now. I'm not done explaining the IP numbers yet.
We have the fine people at the Department of Defense (the DOD) to thank for this Internet set up. They came up with the concept somewhere in the late 1950s. Back then - this system was to simply interlock a few hundred computers so information could be safely passed around even in the event of an attack. It was never thought that people would be using this marvel to download naked pictures of Terry Hatcher. Heck, she wasn't even born yet.
Class A | The IP numbers are in four sections called "octets." See that above? If you encounter a site that has its first octet as 126 or lower, it is one of the first sites to ask for the use of an IP address. It is also very big. The problem is that here can only be 126 of these very big servers. IBM has one of these type addresses as does the National science Foundation and a few huge commercial servers. These sites can be found by DNS servers simply by the use of the first three numbers of its IP number. Any site with this type of IP number is known as a "Class A" server. |
Class B | Class B servers use the first two octets to be found. These are servers that have an IP number from 127 through 254 in the first position. What is in the second position depends on what number was assigned to them by the InterNIC. In case you're wondering, this allows for 64,514 different address. |
Class C | Class C servers use the first three octets to denote who they are to DNS servers. You can do the math - but the numbers of these servers available is over a million. |
Class D | I'm a class D server. In fact I'm not a server at all. More to come. |
The IP addresses work to do two things. They find a host on the internet, and they choose a certain part once they get to the host. Imagine an IP number of: It may be a real number, I don't know. I made it up for demonstration purposes. It's obvious that number is assigned to a big huge server as its first octet is less that 126. Notice then that the next three octets are only one number each. That's because the IP address is being used to find other servers inside of 122. If 122 is IBM, maybe is IBM's main business server, and is their employee web page server. Many larger universities have 10 or 12 different servers on campus. They all require IP numbers, and each has one. The university is given a class B IP and 12 different assignment IPs under that. Once an IP is assigned, any sites under the umbrella of that IP are denoted by the first octets and the numbers that follow. Starting to see how this all works?
You can easily do that using "ping." after you are attached to your server, head to a DOS or telnet command prompt and type in "ping" and then the address of the server you want the number for. Push Enter. A request will be sent and an IP address will be returned.
...just in case you're wondering
The numbers "0" and "255" (opposite ends of the IP number scale) have special meanings. Zero stands for an unknown server and "255" stands for all servers.
Sometimes you'll see a "netmask" of "" That is a default. What it does is tell the computer, "If you can't find the exact IP address - try this." The 255's search everywhere. If nothing is found, the zero returns an unknown command. Poof! DNS entry problem.
On to the real reason you came here. How do you get your own IP address and start you own domain,! There are two basic ways:
I opted for the later. The first choice is good if you want to start your own server, sell space on the server, and make a true business of it all. I just wanted to write tutorials and answer email. I have a Virtual Domain.
A Virtual Domain is a domain hosted on someone else's hardware. There are thousands of web hosting companies, choose wisely, find one that meets your specific needs. One of the benefits is that you own the domain, but they host it for me on their hardware, they do the backups, etc. The best part is they have the
Most people on the Web have an address something like or What you have is a section of the server just like I do, but your section does not have its own IP number.
When someone comes to see your site, they put in "" first. That is the address. That carries the IP number. You are found after the IP address is used to find the server. Your portion of the server is denoted through a tilde (~, pronounced "Till-dah") or through the use of /sub-directory/after/sub-directory. No IP number is used after the server is found. After the server is found, the stuff written after the server address is then used to send the user to your site. When you attach to an ISP using PPP or SLIP, you are assigned an IP number. It can be different every time. That floating number denotes your computer. You know that when you download something, it comes right into your computer. The Internet knows how to do that because you have, while you're attached, an IP number that tells the Internet where to send the information you are downloading. Your computer is literally part of the Web. But after you log-out, the number is gone. That number you are given acts underneath the Class A, B, or C, IP of your server. You are given a floating IP number like you were a sub-server of your main server. That's because while you're attached, you are a sub-server. You can send and receive files like the main server (sort of). But that number is not an assigned IP, it's not recognized outside of your server's domain. Thus it is not a true domain. People can't take information from your computer unless you're attached.
To get your own domain. Do what I did. Head to your own server head, webmaster, or technician, and ask if you can purchase space to set aside as a virtual domain. Your current server may not offer you the ability to do this. If you're serious, try another, and another. Sooner or later you'll find a local server that will set the whole thing up for you.
Depends, you need to make the decision what services you want, and then find a hosting provider that meets your needs.
That's up to you. You'll just need to make sure the name isn't already in use. Check and see if your domain is available by clicking here. But! Even if it appears that the name doesn't exist, you may still be out of luck. The domain may not be posted, but it still may be owned. There are groups that buy up domains that others may want. All the names are bought up, "", "", "", plus other common words. The reason is if you want the domain bad enough, you might buy it from them.