Time Sensitive Greeting

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening
Here is a simple function that will return a string on your page displaying an appropriate greeting.

Good Morning, the current time is 9:55:45 AM
This is SERVER time NOT necessarily client time.
 Function Greeting()
     If Hour(Now) < 12 Then
         Greeting = "Good Morning"
     ElseIf Hour(Now) < 18 Then
         Greeting = "Good Afternoon"
         Greeting = "Good Evening"
     End If
 End Function
 <TITLE>Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening</TITLE>
 Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening<br>
Here is a simple function that will return a string on your page displaying an appropriate greeting. <br>
<font face="Arial" Size="2" Color=#993300><%= Greeting() %>, the current time is <%= Time() %> </font>

time asp greeting

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