Show me a few of the most recent records added to the database, and individually link them to their full record. What we have this thing do, is just show the last few (newest first) records/articles added to the database along with the date that they were added. You could just as easily link this to your inventory, or any other table in your database, but we are using it for news here, so here is the code to do that.
<% Const adUseClient = 3 Const adOpenStatic = 3 ' first, make a conn to your db named cnDZ! ' then call it and use it here: Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.CacheSize = 5 rs.Open "SELECT * FROM TBLNEWS ORDER BY THEDATE DESC", cnDZ, adOpenStatic If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveFirst rs.PageSize = 2 'how many news items should we show? maxcount = cint(rs.PageCount) howmanyrecs = 0 While Not rs.EOF And howmanyrecs < rs.pagesize Response.Write"<a href=""myPage.asp?specific="&rs("NEWSID")&""" target=""_top"">"&_ ""&Left(rs("THEDATE"),10)&"</a><br>"&Left(rs("NEWS"),99)&"...<br><br>" rs.MoveNext howmanyrecs = howmanyrecs + 1 Wend Else Response.Write"No News Found!" End If rs.Close Set rs = Nothing %>