In this example, we will demonstrate how to show an html table of records retrieved, and show those records three(3) cells across, per row.
<%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript" %> <% Set cnDZ = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnDZ.Open "DSN=yourDSNhere" %> <html><body> <% Set rs = cnDZ.Execute("SELECT * FROM TABLE") Not rs.EOF Then Response.Write"<table border=1>" LinkCount = 0 Do Until rs.EOF 'change this 3 to any number you like: LinkCount Mod 3 = 0 Then LinkCount <> 0 Then Response.Write"</tr>" Response.Write"<tr><td>"&rs("NAME")&"<br>"&rs("DESCRIP")&"</td>" Response.Write"<td>"&rs("NAME")&"<br>"&rs("DESCRIP")&"</td>" If LinkCount = LinkCount + 1 rs.MoveNext Loop Response.Write"</tr></table>" rs.Close Set rs = Nothing Response.Write"Sorry, no records were found!" End If %> </body></html> <% cnDZ.Close Set cnDZ = Nothing %>For a working example, see The Name Game