ASCII Character Chart

What is an ASCII chart?
An ASCII Chart is a simple way to keep a list of what all the printable, or displayable characters are. All computers store information as a set of 1's and 0's (bits), not as actual characters. A group of eight (8) bits make a byte. Believe it or not, four bits actually make a nibble and two nibbles make a byte.

To keep things simple, if you count from 0 up to 254, here are some milestones:

  • 32 is a space
  • 48 to 57 are our numbers 0-9
  • 65 to 90 are the capital letters A-Z
  • 97 to 122 are the lowercase letters a-z

There is method to this madness. Ever wonder why things sort the way they do on your computer? It is really a numerical sort, but not using numbers the way we use them! That is why on many systems, this would be considered sorted:

100 5 9 X Y Z a b c

Of course, most sort routines allow you to overide what is considered the true ASCII sort sequence.

What do I need an ASCII chart for anyway?
As you might have already noticed, you can display certain characters such as:

< & > or ©

So instead we use special codes to do what is above.

&#60; &#38; &#62; or &#169;

Having a chart like this can be a great timesaver when you need to know what number makes what character.

How do I use this chart?
If you want to display the © (copyright) symbol, you would look for it on the chart under SHOWS, and then use the code under HTML. In this example that would be &#169;

32   &#32;
33 ! &#33;
34 " &#34;
35 # &#35;
36 $ &#36;
37 % &#37;
38 & &#38;
39 ' &#39;
40 ( &#40;
41 ) &#41;
42 * &#42;
43 + &#43;
44 , &#44;
45 - &#45;
46 . &#46;
47 / &#47;
48 0 &#48;
49 1 &#49;
50 2 &#50;
51 3 &#51;
52 4 &#52;
53 5 &#53;
54 6 &#54;
55 7 &#55;
56 8 &#56;
57 9 &#57;
58 : &#58;
59 ; &#59;
60 < &#60;
61 = &#61;
62 > &#62;
63 ? &#63;
64 @ &#64;
65 A &#65;
66 B &#66;
67 C &#67;
68 D &#68;
69 E &#69;
70 F &#70;
71 G &#71;
72 H &#72;
73 I &#73;
74 J &#74;
75 K &#75;
76 L &#76;
77 M &#77;
78 N &#78;
79 O &#79;
80 P &#80;
81 Q &#81;
82 R &#82;
83 S &#83;
84 T &#84;
85 U &#85;
86 V &#86;
87 W &#87;
88 X &#88;
89 Y &#89;
90 Z &#90;
91 [ &#91;
92 \ &#92;
93 ] &#93;
94 ^ &#94;
95 _ &#95;
96 ` &#96;
97 a &#97;
98 b &#98;
99 c &#99;
100 d &#100;
101 e &#101;
102 f &#102;
103 g &#103;
104 h &#104;
105 i &#105;
106 j &#106;
107 k &#107;
108 l &#108;
109 m &#109;
110 n &#110;
111 o &#111;
112 p &#112;
113 q &#113;
114 r &#114;
115 s &#115;
116 t &#116;
117 u &#117;
118 v &#118;
119 w &#119;
120 x &#120;
121 y &#121;
122 z &#122;
123 { &#123;
124 | &#124;
125 } &#125;
126 ~ &#126;
127 &127; &#127;
128 &#128;
129  &#129;
130 &#130;
131 ƒ &#131;
132 &#132;
133 &#133;
134 &#134;
135 &#135;
136 ˆ &#136;
137 &#137;
138 Š &#138;
139 &#139;
140 Œ &#140;
141  &#141;
142 Ž &#142;
143  &#143;
143  &#143;
144  &#144;
145 &#145;
146 &#146;
147 &#147;
148 &#148;
149 &#149;
150 &#150;
151 &#151;
152 ˜ &#152;
153 &#153;
154 š &#154;
155 &#155;
156 œ &#156;
157  &#157;
158 ž &#158;
159 Ÿ &#159;
160   &#160;
161 ¡ &#161;
162 ¢ &#162;
163 £ &#163;
164 ¤ &#164;
165 ¥ &#165;
166 ¦ &#166;
167 § &#167;
168 ¨ &#168;
169 © &#169;
170 ª &#170;
171 « &#171;
172 ¬ &#172;
173 ­ &#173;
174 ® &#174;
175 ¯ &#175;
176 ° &#176;
177 ± &#177;
178 ² &#178;
179 ³ &#179;
180 ´ &#180;
181 µ &#181;
182 &#182;
183 · &#183;
184 ¸ &#184;
185 ¹ &#185;
186 º &#186;
187 » &#187;
188 ¼ &#188;
189 ½ &#189;
190 ¾ &#190;
191 ¿ &#191;
192 À &#192;
193 Á &#193;
194 Â &#194;
195 Ã &#195;
196 Ä &#196;
197 Å &#197;
198 Æ &#198;
199 Ç &#199;
200 È &#200;
201 É &#201;
202 Ê &#202;
203 Ë &#203;
204 Ì &#204;
205 Í &#205;
206 Î &#206;
207 Ï &#207;
208 Ð &#208;
209 Ñ &#209;
210 Ò &#210;
211 Ó &#211;
212 Ô &#212;
213 Õ &#213;
214 Ö &#214;
215 × &#215;
216 Ø &#216;
217 Ù &#217;
218 Ú &#218;
219 Û &#219;
220 Ü &#220;
221 Ý &#221;
222 Þ &#222;
223 ß &#223;
224 à &#224;
225 á &#225;
226 â &#226;
227 ã &#227;
228 ä &#228;
229 å &#229;
230 æ &#230;
231 ç &#231;
232 è &#232;
233 é &#233;
234 ê &#234;
235 ë &#235;
236 ì &#236;
237 í &#237;
238 î &#238;
239 ï &#239;
240 ð &#240;
241 ñ &#241;
242 ò &#242;
243 ó &#243;
244 ô &#244;
245 õ &#245;
246 ö &#246;
247 ÷ &#247;
248 ø &#248;
249 ù &#249;
250 ú &#250;
251 û &#251;
252 ü &#252;
253 ý &#253;
254 þ &#254;

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