Your basic mailto looks like this:
<A href="">
Click here to send a boring old mailto message</a>.
When users click the link, it brings up their email client with the recipient's email address prepopulated in the To: field. Snore. To spice it up, follow these steps:
Step 1
Create your regular mailto,
with the main recipient's email address, as you normally would.
Step 2
To copy (CC:) someone on the email, follow the To: recipient's email address with ?cc=. The example below shows how
the code should look:
Click here to send an email message to multiple recipients</a>.
Step 3
To blind copy (BCC:) someone on the email, follow the CC: recipient's email address with &bcc= (as you add these
features, the first one begins with a ? and subsequent ones begin with a &). It should look something like this:
<A href="">
Click here to send an email message to multiple recipients (only some of which you know
You can also separate numerous To:, CC:, and BCC: recipients by commas:
Click here to send an email message to multiple comma-delimited recipients.</a>
Step 4
To prepopulate the Subject: field, follow steps 1 and 2 with &subject=. The whole string--with To:, CC:,
BCC:, and Subject:--should look like this:
This is only a test">Click here to send us super email</a>.