
Fix IE7's Dopey Menu Bar Location


Fix IE7's Dopey Menu Bar Location

IE7's Menu bar -- File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help -- is in the wrong spot. It belongs at the very top, just below the blue Title bar. And Microsoft has decided (decreed, actually) that you're not supposed to move it.

1. As administrator, click Start, Run, and type gpedit.msc.

2. In the panel on the left, work your way down, starting with User Configuration --Administrative Templates -- Windows Components --Internet Explorer

3. Scroll to Moving the menu bar above the navigation bar and right click to get to Properties.

4. Select Enabled and then click OK.

5. Restart IE7.

Note:This won't work with WinXP Home

What They Said:

jingTa says on 5/1/2007
Steve J says Thanks on 5/4/2007
Just buy a mac.. it'll solve all your problems

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 4/27/2007





In the interest of full disclosure, I listen to Imus daily. Anyway...

Imus was not thinking and made a stupid mistake. But that is exactly what it was and nothing more. No hurtful intent, no racist intent, he was simply not thinking. Let's get real.

If MSNBC, CBS, any advertisers, or anyone else wants to punish Imus for his "words," then let's give equal punishment to anyone using the same or similar words including the rappers and any other men who degrade these young women on a daily basis. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should be ashamed of themselves for appearing on public television and encouraging a lynch mob against Don Imus, yet ignoring the real problem - the treatment of the African-American women by the African-American men. Apply the same standards to everyone equally. Step up to the plate and do the right thing not matter what the political/social pressure. Right is right and you know it.

In the words of George Carlin:
The Radio has TWO dials. One switches it off, the other changes the firetrucking station.

Since April 5th:
11-Apr-2007 1
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (eastern part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
10-Apr-2007 1
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southern part) Hostile - hostile fire
09-Apr-2007 4
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southeast part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southeast part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southeast part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Specialist 21 Clifford A. Spohn III Karmah - Anbar Hostile - hostile fire - indirect fire
08-Apr-2007 6
US Sergeant Adam P. Kennedy Diwaniyah - Qadisiyah Hostile - hostile fire - indirect fire
US Staff Sergeant Jesse L. Williams Baqubah (died in Balad) - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fire
US Private 1st Class David N. Simmons Baghdad (south of) Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire
US Staff Sergeant Harrison Brown Baghdad (south of) Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire
US Sergeant Todd A. Singleton Baghdad (south of) Hostile - hostile fire - IED, small arms fire
US 1st Lieutenant Phillip I. Neel Balad - Salah Ad Din Hostile - hostile fire - grenade
07-Apr-2007 5
US Captain Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Zaganiyah - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Specialist Ebe F. Emolo Zaganiyah - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Private 1st Class Levi K. Hoover Zaganiyah - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Private 1st Class Rodney L. McCandless Zaganiyah - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Commander Philip A. Murphy-Sweet Baghdad Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
06-Apr-2007 9
US Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph A. McSween Kirkuk (near) - At-Ta'mim Hostile - hostile fire
US Petty Officer 2nd Class Curtis R. Hall Kirkuk (near) - At-Ta'mim Hostile - hostile fire
US Chief Petty Officer Gregory J. Billiter Kirkuk (near) - At-Ta'mim Hostile - hostile fire
US Private 1st Class Jay S. Cajimat Baghdad Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Petty Officer 2nd Class Joseph C. Schwedler Al Anbar Province Hostile - hostile fire
US Private 1st Class Daniel A. Fuentes Baghdad (eastern part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Private Damian Lopez Rodriguez Baghdad Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Specialist Ryan S. Dallam Baghdad Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
US Captain Anthony Palermo Jr.

Why haven't these heros recieved half of the media attention payed to Sharpton, never mind Imus.

What They Said:

Starr says Newsweek on 4/13/2007
Rev. Al says Cracker on 4/13/2007
Check out Rev. Sharpton's "resume" Here


G Goodness


G Goodness

GOOG-411 offers free directory assistance

Google Labs just rolled out a Google Voice Local Search, which is basically a free 411 search along the lines of 1-800-FREE-411.

To use the local business search tool, pick up your phone and dial 1-800-GOOG-411. Like you'd expect, an automated operator starts asking you questions and you narrow in on what you're looking for. Once you get your results, Google can connect you to the business for free or say, "text message", and it'll send you details by SMS to your phone. And since you're sure to want to know all of the advanced shortcuts, be sure to check out the GOOG-411 cheatsheet.

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 4/7/2007


Too Funny..


Too Funny..

What We Call the News | Send To Friends | Funny Animations at JibJab


What They Said:

LBF says Uggh on 3/30/2007
Quite good. I heard a comic today talk about hurricanes. Said "what is the first thing we do when we hear a hurricane is coming? We send someone down there!

1 Comments | Perm-a-link | 3/30/2007


Hope Springs Eternal


Hope Springs Eternal


Too bad it doesn't really look like that here.

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 3/20/2007


Now it makes sense


Now it makes sense

For some time I've been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from work... but now I've found out the real reason I'm tired: I'm tired because I'm overworked.

The population of this country is 237 million.

104 million are retired, which leaves 133 million to do the work.

There are 85 million in school, which leaves 48 million to do the work.

Of this, there are 29 million employed by the federal government, leaving 19 million to do the work.

2.8 million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 16.2 million to do the civilian work.

Take from the total of 14,800,000 people who work for State and City governments and that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals, leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work.

You and me.

And you're sitting at your computer reading jokes.

What They Said:

BBS says Population Clocks on 3/15/2007
RantUser says Excellent... on 4/5/2007
why that's a quotable quote! :)

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 3/14/2007


Hammer Time


Hammer Time

Number of tools the average guy owns: 36 (Really? I can't find at least 36 tools)
Of those, the number that are screwdrivers: 12
Amount the average guy spends on tools each year: $250 (that's 1 trip to HD)
Number of men that say the words "heavy duty" influence their tool purchase: 1 in 4 (how about sale?!)
Number of men who would buy a titanium hammer even if they had a steel one: 1 in 5 (does your thumb hurt more or less?)
Number of tools the average guy buysand never uses: 3 (rule of thumb: each project = at least 1 tool)
The average guy's "favorite" tool: nail gun
Number of men who think that, given the right tools, they can fix anything: 2 in 3 (Tim the "Tool Man" Taylor)
Tool the average guy is most likely to borrow: Cordless drill
Percentage of men who keep their tools.. in a toolbox 41, Scattered around the house: 11 In a kitchen drawer: 3
Hand tool the average guy would want in a fight: Hammer
Power tool he'd want: circular saw
Tool that sends the most guys to the er: chain saw
Number of men that die from freak chain saw accidents per year: 4
Tool the average guys swears at the most: Screwdriver
Number of times he's whacked his thumb: 4
Tool the average guy thinks a woman looks sexiest holding: cordless drill what?

Spring is coming.. the honey do list is growing!

0 Comments | Perm-a-link | 3/8/2007


Hillary in 2008


Hillary in 2008

It's time to help Hillary get elected to the oval office.

The Democratic National Committee is currently polling Americans through the Internet to determine the electability of Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States in 2008.

If you would like to show your support for Hillary and encourage her to run for President of the United States in 2008 please click HERE.

What They Said:

BFAM says on 3/3/2007
I sent this ling to Big Jack.... He shuould love that one...

1 Comments | Perm-a-link | 3/2/2007


Local News


Local News

Following is an IM transcript that I had this afternoon with LBF. We are preparing for our first real snowstorm of the season, and it's always a hoot to see the storm coverage on the local news..it's goes something like this:

[15:44] LBF: last I read on weather.com for our zip code was 1-2 inches..
[15:44] LBF: well my zipcode.
[15:44] LBF: i can't wait to see the live coverage.
[15:44] LBF: we are LIVE
[15:44] LBF: its snowing here.
[15:44] LBF: the waves are here
[15:44] LBF: the plows are standing by
[15:44] YOBB: lets go live
[15:44] YOBB: it's not snowing yet
[15:45] LBF: we are LIVE at the local grocery store
[15:45] YOBB: but we expect it to start any time
[15:45] LBF: hahaha
[15:45] LBF: we are LIVE
[15:45] LBF: news on Anna Nicole Smith now..
[15:45] YOBB: and we'll preempt your favorite show.. with BREAKING NEWS that it's snowing
[15:45] LBF: lets go LIVE back to the snow plows.
[15:45] LBF: the sanders are ready Mary..they ar ready for a LONG LONG night.
[15:45] LBF: back to you..
[15:45] LBF: oh wait..lets go LIVE to the Cape.
[15:46] YOBB: Let's check the doppler 10,000,000
[15:46] YOBB: look
[15:46] YOBB: there is a flake
[15:46] YOBB: OMG
[15:46] LBF: 1 to 3 inches of snow expected during the overnight period.
[15:46] LBF: that is just now
[15:46] LBF: snow line isn't even in to southern NY yet.
[15:46] LBF: lets go LIVE to Hartford.
[15:46] YOBB: but the storm could move a half inch to the south, and we'll get whacked with 18-20 inches
[15:46] LBF: really?
[15:46] YOBB: we have no clue what we are talking about.. but WE ARE LIVE
[15:47] LBF: hahahahhaa
[15:47] LBF: local LIVE coverage of the snow if and when it happens
[15:47] YOBB: we'll have the MOST coverage
[15:47] LBF: uggh
[15:47] LBF: so annoying
[15:47] YOBB: you'll still get to see all the commercials, but we'll interupt every show possible to tell you that WE
[15:47] YOBB: ARE
[15:47] YOBB: LIVE
[15:48] LBF: hahaha

What They Said:

LBF says Umm hmm on 2/14/2007
BFAM says on 2/15/2007
You two have way to much time on your hands

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 2/13/2007





Saw a sign in front of the local elementary school with the following on it:
No Name Calling Week
So.. does that mean it's OK the rest of the year to call people names? What are we teaching kids these days?

Behind the Bathroom Door

Day of the week the average guy spends the most time in the bathroom: Sunday
The least? Thursday
The number of times the average guy flushes the toilet in a year: 3,250
Number of men who "forget" to put the seat down: 1 in 7
Number that get yelled at: 1 in 3
Bathroom decoration most likely to cause the average guy to curse: the fuzzy cover that causes the toilet lid to fall down midstream
Number of men who read in the bathroom: 1 in 2
Number of men who talk on the phone: 1 in 3
Number who have sex in there: 1 in 5
Object the aveage guy is most likely to drop into a public toilet: his keys
Percentage of men who was their hands before leaving the restroom: 58
Percentage of women: 75
Top 3 things the average guy would like to see added to every public restroom:
1. Completely self cleaning toilets (inside and out)
2. Floor to Ceiling partitions between urinals
3. An on-call masseuse (ed. note: Huh?!)

What They Said:

BFAM says on 1/22/2007
LBF says Now what.. on 2/2/2007
The week is over so time to start with the name calling again.

2 Comments | Perm-a-link | 1/22/2007

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