XMLRead Function:

The XMLRead function outputs an array of values returned by an XML expression. There are two required arguments: xmlfilepath and expression. Xmlfilepath is the absolute path to an XML file and expression is a valid node path or xml query.

array = XMLRead(xmlfilepath, expression)
Example Usage:
dim i, a, strXMLPath, strXMLExpression

strXMLPath		= Server.Mappath("/aspemporium/examples/xmlcatalog/database.xml")
strXMLExpression	= "/CATALOG/MOVIE[RUNNINGTIME $gt$ 100]/RATING | " & _
a			= XMLRead( strXMLPath, strXMLExpression )

for i = 0 to ubound(a) - 1
	Response.Write a(i) & "<BR>"
ASP Source Code:
Private Function XMLRead(byVal xmlfilepath, byVal expression)
	dim temp, item, tmp, objXML, tmpArray
	On Error Resume Next
	Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
	objXML.Load( xmlfilepath )
	If Err Then
		On Error GoTo 0
		Err.Raise 5140, "XMLRead Function", _
				"Specified XML File Not Found."
		XMLRead = Null
		set objXML = Nothing
		Exit Function
	End If
	set temp = objXML.documentElement.selectnodes( expression )
	If Err Then
		On Error GoTo 0
		Err.Raise 5140, "XMLRead Function", _
				"Expression argument produced an error."
		XMLRead = Null
		set objXML = Nothing
		Exit Function
	End If
	for each item in temp
		tmp = tmp & item.text & vbCrLf & "/" & vbCrLf
	set temp = Nothing
	set objXML = Nothing
	tmpArray = Split( tmp, vbCrLf & "/" & vbCrLf )
	XMLRead = tmpArray
	On Error GoTo 0
End Function