array = Tables(connstring)
Example Usage:
ASP Source Code:<% dim i, a, cn cn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & server.mappath("/aspemporium/mydata.mdb") & ";" a = Tables(cn) for i = 0 to ubound(a) - 1 ' write each table name to the browser response.write a(i) & "<BR>" next %>
<% Private Function Tables(byval connstring) Dim adox, i, strTables Set adox = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog") adox.ActiveConnection = connstring for i = 0 to adox.tables.count - 1 if UCase( adox.tables(i).type ) = "TABLE" then strTables = strTables & adox.tables(i).name & vbCrLf end if next Set adox = nothing Tables = split( strTables, vbCrLf ) End Function %>