Dim Item
For Each Item In SelectionSort( Array( "jonny", "steve", "bill", "brian", "alfred" ) )
Response.Write Item & "<BR>"
' returns:
' alfred
' bill
' brian
' jonny
' steve
Dim Item
For Each Item In SelectionSort( Array( 512, 10, 81, 6, 452 ) )
Response.Write Item & "<BR>"
' returns:
' 6
' 10
' 81
' 452
' 512
Private Function SelectionSort(byVal unsortedarray)
Dim Front, Back, I, Loc, Selcom
Dim Temp, Selswap, Arrsize
Arrsize = UBOUND(unsortedarray)
For Front = 0 To Arrsize - 1
Loc = Front
For Back = Front To Arrsize
Selcom = Selcom + 1
If unsortedarray(Loc) > _
unsortedarray(Back) Then
Loc = Back
End If
Selswap = Selswap + 1
Temp = unsortedarray(Loc)
unsortedarray(Loc) = unsortedarray(Front)
unsortedarray(Front) = Temp
SelectionSort = unsortedarray
End Function