RevArray Function:

The RevArray function reverses the order of an array. In other words, the upperbound value of an input array will become the lowerbound value and all other values will re-order themselves accordingly. RevArray returns an array.

array = RevArray(array)
Example Usage:
dim item
for each item in RevArray(  Array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 )  )
	response.write item & "<BR>"
 ' example returns:
 ' 13
 ' 12
 ' 11
 ' 10
 ' 9
 ' 8
 ' 7
 ' 6
 ' 5
 ' 4
 ' 3
 ' 2
 ' 1
ASP Source Code:
Private Function RevArray(byVal arrayinput)
	Dim i, ubnd
	Dim newarray()
	ubnd = UBound( arrayinput )
	Redim newarray(ubnd)
	For i = 0 to UBound( arrayinput )
		newarray( ubnd - i ) = arrayinput( i )
	RevArray = newarray
End Function