IsEmail Function:

The IsEmail function performs a thorough check of an entered email address. The following criteria is checked by IsEmail:
   • only one @ sign permitted
   • domain extension separator (.) must come after the @ symbol
   • must be at least 2 characters (letters) after the domain extension separator (.)
   • rejects all illegal characters including spaces.
   • Allows only numbers, letters, the underscore (_) and the dash (-) character as valid input
     (excluding the mandatory "@" and "." symbols).
   • Minimum of 6 characters

IsEmail returns True if an email address is validated successfully, otherwise False is returned. If an error is encountered when processing an email address, IsEmail returns False.

boolean = IsEmail(mailaddress)
Example Usage:
 ' IsEmail returns true
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("")

 ' IsEmail returns false
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("me@mysite.123")
response.write isemail("me@mysitecom")
response.write isemail("")
response.write isemail("me@m][")
response.write isemail("me@mysit&")
ASP Source Code:
Private Function IsEmail(byVal mailaddress)
	Dim tmp, x, y, bErr, tmp2, objReg
	Dim objMatch, z, i

	bErr = False
	tmp = Trim( mailaddress )
	tmp = CStr( mailaddress )

	 ' minimum 6 characters...
	if len(tmp) < 6 then
		IsEmail = False
		Exit Function
	end if

	 ' need an @ but only 1 is allowed
	If instr(tmp, "@") then
		x = instr(tmp, "@")
		y = instr(x + 1, tmp, "@")
		On Error Resume Next
		y = CLng(y)
		If Err Then bErr = True Else bErr = False
		On Error GoTo 0
		If bErr Then
			IsEmail = False
			Exit Function
		End If
		if y <> 0 then
			IsEmail = False
			Exit Function
		end if
		IsEmail = False
		Exit Function
	End If

	 ' the "." must come after the "@"
	If InStr( Left( tmp, CLng(x) ), "." ) Then
		IsEmail = False
		Exit Function
		tmp2 = Right( tmp, Len(tmp) - CLng(x) )
		If InStr( tmp2, "." ) Then
			 ' must have at least one character between @ and .
			Set objReg = New RegExp
			With objReg
				.Global = True
				.IgnoreCase = True
				.Pattern = "[A-Z]|[0-9]"
				Set objMatch = .Execute(tmp2)
			End With
			If objMatch.Count = 0 then
				IsEmail = False
				Exit Function
			End If
			Set objMatch = Nothing
			Set objReg = Nothing
			IsEmail = False
			Exit Function
		End If
	End If

	 ' needs to have at least 2 characters (letters) after the .
	z = InStr( tmp, "." )
	tmp2 = Right( tmp, Len(tmp) - z )
	Set objReg = New RegExp
	With objReg
		.Global = True
		.IgnoreCase = True
		.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z]"
		Set objMatch = .Execute(tmp2)
	End With
	If objMatch.Count = 0 then
		IsEmail = False
		Exit Function
	End If
	Set objMatch = Nothing
	Set objReg = Nothing

	 ' check for illegal characters
	For i = 1 to Len(tmp)
		tmp2 = Mid( tmp, i, 1 )
		Select Case tmp2
			Case "(", ")", ";", ":", ",", "/", "'", chr(34), _
			     "~", "`", "!", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", _
			     "+", "=", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|", "\", "?", _
			     " ", "<", ">"
				IsEmail = False
				Exit Function
			Case Else
		End Select

	 ' if an address makes it through, it's an email address
	IsEmail = True
End Function