HasDups Function:

The HasDups function indicates if an array contains duplicate values. HasDups returns True if more than one array subscript value exactly matches another subscript value. HasDups returns False if the array contains no matching values.

boolean = HasDups(arrayinput)
Example Usage:
 ' HasDups returns True 
 ' ( 1 is duplicated )
response.write HasDups( Array( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1 ) )

 ' HasDups returns False 
 ' (All items in the array are unique)
response.write HasDups( Array( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ) )
ASP Source Code:
Private Function HasDups(byVal arrayinput)
	dim wkarray, j, i, l
	wkarray = arrayinput
	for j = 0 to ubound( wkarray )
		l = 0
		for i = 0 to ubound( wkarray )
			if wkarray(i) = wkarray(j) then l = l + 1
			if l > 1 then
				HasDups = True
				Exit function
			end if
	HasDups = False
End Function