recognized character code |
replaced by |
[2] | subscript 2 ² |
[3] | subscript 3 ³ |
[1] | subscript 1 ¹ |
[0] | subscript 0 º |
[deg] | degrees symbol ° |
[1/2] | one-half ½ |
[3/4] | three-quarters ¾ |
[1/4] | one-quarter ¼ |
[tm] | trademark ™ |
[c] | copyright © |
[r] | registered ® |
[div] | division sign ÷ |
[plusminus] | Plus/Minus sign ± |
[pounds] | British Pound £ |
[cents] | Cents sign ¢ |
string = FormatTxt(string)
Example Usage:
ASP Source Code:<% dim a ' set up a string with some character codes in it ( everything between the []'s ' will be replaced if it is recognized as a FormatTxt character code). a = "123[3] 1442[1] 211343[2] 112[DEG]F 14[1/2] 12[3/4] 634[1/4] " & _ "this is copyright [C] and is a registered [R] trademark" & _ "[TM]. 14[div]12 avg 4[plusminus]2 334[pounds] 65[cents]" ' write resultant string response.write FormatTxt( a ) %>The above example returns: 123³ 1442¹ 211343² 112°F 14½ 12¾ 634¼ this is copyright © and is a registered ® trademark™. 14÷12 avg 4±2 334£ 65¢
<% Private Function FormatTxt(byVal string) Const Delimiter1a = "[", Delimiter1b = "]" Dim a, b, c, d, strDel, strDel2 strDel = Delimiter1a : strDel2 = Delimiter1b a = instrrev( string, strDel ) : b = instrrev( string, strDel2 ) c = Mid( string, a, b - a + 1) string = replace( string, c, lcase( c ) ) d = CStr( c ) : d = LCase( c ) Select Case LCase( d ) Case strDel & "2" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 178 ) ) Case strDel & "3" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 179 ) ) Case strDel & "1" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 185 ) ) Case strDel & "0" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 186 ) ) Case strDel & "deg" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 176 ) ) Case strDel & "1/2" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 189 ) ) Case strDel & "3/4" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 190 ) ) Case strDel & "1/4" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 188 ) ) Case strDel & "tm" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 153 ) ) Case strDel & "c" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 169 ) ) Case strDel & "r" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 174 ) ) Case strDel & "div" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 247 ) ) Case strDel & "plusminus" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 177 ) ) Case strDel & "pounds" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 163 ) ) Case strDel & "cents" & strDel2 string = Replace( string, d, chr( 162 ) ) End Select if instr( string, Delimiter1a ) or instr( string, Delimiter1b ) then _ string = FormatTxt( string ) FormatTxt = string End Function %>