Text censoring function:

The Censor function removes disallowed words from a string. The system will read the restricted words and replace all of those words with ***'s (or any other character) the same length as the removed word in the string. There is no limit to the amount of words that can be restricted.

CensorText variable
Example Usage:
Dim mystring, censoredstring

mystring = "A sample of text that you would like to censor"
censoredstring = CensorText(mystring)

ASP Source Code:
Function CensorText( sText )
	Dim sRet
	sRet = sText
	sRet = Replace(sRet, "fuck", "****" , 1,-1,vbTextCompare)	
	sRet = Replace(sRet, "ass", "***", 1,-1,vbTextCompare)	
	sRet = Replace(sRet, "shit", "****" , 1,-1,vbTextCompare)
	sRet = Replace(sRet, "dick", "****" , 1,-1,vbTextCompare)
	'Add your own ugly words here...
	CensorText = sRet
End Function
